Woodland Creative Printable Free to Download

Do you have a Child that loves storytime well with these printable woodland Creatures puppets you can bring it alive with just a few simple steps with some paddle pop sticks and home printer?
You can make the Woodland Creature Puppets
you can use a regular inkjet printer to print all four of the puppets in the template below.
I recommend printing these four cute little creatures onto matte photo paper, but you could also use light cardstock, or regular printer paper and laminate the puppets after you have cut them out.
For extra fun, you can also choose to print 2 or 3 sets of them to give you an entire forest.
you can use tape or a glue dot to attach a craft stick, or a paddle pop stick to the back of each shark to turn them into puppets.
However, you can also use straws or bamboo skewers, or leave them without sticks and attach some velcro to the back of them for use with a felt board so they can be used in lots of different ways it’s really up to you.
Download the PDF Template Here
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This woodland creature printable is an A4 sized pdf file, you will need a pdf reader such as adobe acrobat to open it. If you are printing on US ‘letter sized’ paper be sure to select ‘fit’ or ‘shrink to fit’ from your printer options.